Outdated Web Design Styles We Are Happy To Forget

Outdated website design

Buttons as images:
Some of the web designers utilize images as buttons. It is because we develop a PNG button in Photoshop. We make it look fancy by adding a 3D effect. Fortunately, CSS3 has destroyed image-based button. Now, it has become easy to develop smart buttons without complicated workouts.

Iframes were basically used to break the page into numerous frames which each showcases a different URL. During the early years of the World Wide Web, several websites used Iframes to a certain extent. It lets you pull pages from other websites into your page.

Marquee/Scrolling Text:
If you were using the internet in the initial 2000s, you would have seen this trend. Scrolling text means the words scroll from one end to another across the page. It usually scrolls right to left. It received a lot of disapproval as it is useless and does not look pleasing.

HIT counters:
Hit counters are the information collection tool. It is not much accurate since when the website is refreshed the statistics change. It is actually a cool option to show how many people have visited your website. It is also helpful to check whether your page has more views than your competitor’s page.

Flash website does not function on mobile. It negatively influences SEO. It has a very slow loading time. It causes serious security issues. It should be installed in the browser to load or preview the website. After the launch of HTML5, it has become hard to see Flash supported websites. In the past, Flash was considered as the most exciting and coolest trend to follow. The website designers were able to develop sites with interaction, sound, and animation. It became a dependable irritation since the plugins should be constantly updated.

Outdated Fonts:
Papyrus is the font that is completely outdated and has been stopped for usage. Other overused fonts are Times New Roman and Comic Sans.

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